'Cloning' is Plant Propagation from Cuttings:
Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts are used.
"Cloning" is just to take the cutting of a plant and grow it on it's own; roots will form and the new life of a 'clone' begins. This is no different from any other plant propagation from cuttings.
Propagation from cuttings is not a mystery.
Every year MANY MILLIONS of plants are propagated from cuttings. The science using rooting hormones has been around since the 1930's. Whether you buy a chrysanthemum plant, or a rose bush, there is a good chance that it was propagated using Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts rooting solutions.
"Cloning" is "Plant Propagation from Cuttings".
Class 101: How to Get Clones from Your Cannabis Plants .. and more.
Makers of costly 'Clonal Rooting' products (especially those associated with legal cannabis propagation) are locked into one way of doing propagation. They lead uneducated growers to believe their crop is 'special'. There are few 'special' crops that require unique materials to use in propagation. These products are costly because people 'think' they are better. YOU DON'T NEED A CLONING 'MACHINE'!
Professional growers who produce crops in the millions a year have better experience then those who only propagate a few hundred or thousand plants. Rely upon the methods and products that have many years of effacy to propagate plants from cuttings. Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts methods have proven to produce superior roots on cuttings and are cost effective.
Make your own inexpensive Cloning Rooting Gel (at any concentration!)
"Clonal propagation" of 'medical' and
'recreational' cannabis crops
The following information is suitable for the clonal propagation from cuttings of appropriate varieties of regulated 'medical and
recreational' cannabis crops.
Propagation of cannabis is subject to local laws and regulation; the user/buyer assumes all responsibility for use.
Disclaimers: The information given is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement for cannabis propagation in other than legal ways. For additional disclaimers reference the product Warranty.
Specific instructions for plant propagation of cannabis are not give on this website.
Selection of Cuttings andf treatment
Use cuttings from the current growing season.
It is best to use cuttings from cuttings in order to maintain cutting juvenality
Taking cuttings
Cutting care
Cutting selection
Total Immerse or Spray Drip Down:
> Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts
Hints on Propagation
Propagation Techniques
How to make a Rooting GEL
When making a gel based solution, use one of many standard gel products from your horticultural supply. You can also use corn starch from the food market.
Using Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts, mix in water to make a rooting solution at any concentration. Then, add the gel powder or hosehold corn starch powder to the rooting solution (warm solution temperature is best) until you get needed ‘gel peaks' or somewhat watery solution as needed.
The resultant 'concentration' is defined as ‘parts per volume’. The rooting 'gel' will be higher volume than the original water based rooting solution.
The hosehold corn starch approach is an INEXPENSIVE WAY to use Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts rooting solutions to make gels in an INFINITE range of rates.
Solution Methods: Spray Drip Down, Total Immerse Method, Quick Dip Method
Foliar Methods - special techniques
Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts (to be dissolved in ordinary water)
Trial Rates for many annual plant cuttings
Spray Drip Down
Total Immerse Method
using rooting solutions |
Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts |
100-400 ppm IBA |
Quick Dip Method
using rooting solutions |
Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts |
500-1000 ppm IBA |
How Much Do I Need?
Calculate weight of Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts
for any ppm IBA (K-IBA) and solution volume