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Introduction to Plant Propagation from Cuttings: the IBA method
For use of Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts
Foliar Application to Cuttings by the Spray Drip Down and Total Immerse Method
Basal Application to Cuttings by the
Quick Dip Method and Basal Long Soak Method
We often want to produce new plants which are exactly like those stock plants which we have in our home, garden, nursery or greenhouse. To produce a plant which is genetically identical to the mother plant clonal asexual (vegetative ) propagation is needed. Propagation by the rooting of cuttings (adventitious root formation), root cuttings and division, stooling, layering, grafting and budding, and similar techniques can produce the desired clonal results. The selection of the method is dependant upon the plant variety. Propagation from seed while suitable for many plants, especially annual plants, often produce variable results.
Plants propagated from cuttings have the same characteristics as the parent plant. The rapid generation of new adventitious roots is necessary for the plant to transport water and essential nutrients from the media. Hortus IBA WATER SOLUBLE SALT rooting hormone solutions help the plant to rapidly develop new roots when propagating from cuttings.
The most attractive plant is a symmetric plant. Hortus IBA WATER SOLUBLE SALT solutions allow uniform absorption of the active ingredients. The result is root stimulation all around the basal end of the cuttings. After early and symmetric root formation the plant stands solid in the soil, it absorbs water and nutrients, develops uniform shoot, stem and leaf growth and superior total growth.
The Need to Use Root Promoting Hormones.
For adventitious rooting, all plants need plant growth regulator rooting hormones in order to produce roots on cuttings. To some extent these regulators are produced by the plant itself. Cuttings from different plant varieties and species have different ability to root. Some cuttings root easily, some are difficult to root, and some plants can not produce roots from cuttings. Hortus IBA WATER SOLUBLE SALT solutions act with the plants own natural rooting regulators to aid root formation. The concentration of the induced regulator hormone should be adequate to induce root development and below the threshold to inhibit growth. Successful root formation helps the cutting to take up water and nutrient substances faster.
Propagation of Plants by the Rooting of Cuttings Is Not a Mystery.
- Take cuttings at the proper time from carefully selected stock plants.
- Use a successful rooting method with the optimum concentration of Hortus IBA WATER SOLUBLE SALT solutions. Use the lowest concentration to do the job.
- Take care of the cuttings.
- Test and keep records to produce the best results and successful repeat rooting.
- Propagate New Plants from Cuttings
- US registered plant growth regulator rooting hormones.
- Hortus IBA WATER SOLUBLE SALT rooting hormone solutions help to promote the rooting when propagating new plants from cuttings.
- Make your own fresh solutions.
- Hortus IBA WATER SOLUBLE SALTS have a US EPA label approved zero hour REI! Workers can remain in the propagation area during and after application with minimum PPE.
- Fresh Hortus IBA WATER SOLUBLE SALT Rooting Hormone Solutions:
- Make your own fresh solutions in any concentration.
- Hortus IBA WATER SOLUBLE SALTS dissolve easily in WATER.
- You measure the dosage by weighing the powder. IBA WATER SOLUBLE SALTS, due to percentage formulation, are easier to measure accurate concentrations than 100% IBA salts.
- The solutions have no dangerous and potentially phyto-toxic alcohol.
- Fungicides can be mixed with the Hortus IBA WATER SOLUBLE SALT solution for a one step treatment. Do trials with a few cuttings before doing large quantities.
- To propagate new plants from cuttings using Hortus IBA WATER SOLUBLE SALTS solutions you can select from many effective methods to apply.
- Improve transplanting and overall plant growth by treating rooted transplants and growing plants with a Hortus IBA WATER SOLUBLE SALT solution. The plants have reduced stress and increase root regeneration by regenerating fibrous roots faster.
Rate Determination.
- A wide dosage range is indicated for most uses of Hortus IBA WATER SOLUBLE SALTS.
- The ideal rate will vary according to specific plant variety and local growing conditions.
- To assure compatibility of this product under the specific growing conditions and to determine the dosage rate best suited for your growing conditions, it is necessary that you test a few plants at varying rates within the specified dosage range prior to large scale operations.
- If combined with other plant regulators, test varying rates of each product.
- If foliar application causes phytotoxicity, try soil applications or decreased rates.
Propagate Plants from Cuttings Using Solutions.
- Take plant cuttings, usually stem, root or leaf cuttings.
- Woody cuttings are usually wounded by making a 3/4" notch at the basal end. Herbaceous cuttings are not wounded.
- Make up a fresh Hortus IBA WATER SOLUBLE SALT solution using the appropriate concentration.
Treat by many successful methods:
- You can use a basket to Total Immerse treat many cuttings at one time in a few seconds.
- You can plant your cuttings then spray the leaves and stems in the planting trays at one time using Spray Drip Down®.
- You can use a Quick Dip basal dip.
- You can long soak Immerse the basal end of the cuttings from plant varieties which are difficult to root.
- After treating cuttings take care of them.
Fresh Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts rooting hormone solutions are used by many methods.
How to make a Rooting GEL
When making a gel based solution, use one of many standard gel products from your horticultural supply.
You can also use corn starch from the food market.
Using Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts mix in water to make a rooting solution at any concentration.
Then, add the gel powder or corn starch powder to the rooting solution (warm solution is easier to mix) until you get needed ‘gel peaks' or somewhat watery solution as needed.
The resultant 'concentration' is defined as ‘parts per volume’. The rooting 'gel' will be higher volume than the original water based rooting solution.
Spray Drip Down.
First plant the cuttings. Spray the solution evenly over the cuttings until drops go down to the media.
Spray Drip Down® is specifically intended to be used by the products Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts
Herbaceous Cuttings, Chrysanthemum, Begonia, Dieffenbachia, Heath, Hibiscus, etc.:
Only use Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts @50-250 ppm IBA
For cuttings which take a long time to root, or when roots of cuttings are killed by root fungus periodically spray solution on leaves and stems until drip down into media:
Only use Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts @50-250 ppm IBA
(Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts® are used to make IBA rooting solutions by the trademarked
Spray Drip Down; all rights are reserved.)
Total Immerse Method.
First totally immerse the cuttings in the solution for a few seconds. Plant the cuttings. You can use a basket to dip the cuttings in a tub, not placing too many cuttings in the solution at once. Allow time for the solution to dry on the cuttings before watering, misting or covering. Broad leaf cuttings are especially suited for this method. The temperature of the solution should be at least equal to the cutting temperature. A cold solution temperature causes the stomata of the cuttings close; the amount of active ingredients absorbed is reduced.
The Total Immerse Method is specifically intended to be used by the products Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts
Herbaceous Cuttings, Chrysanthemum, Plumbago, Ivy, Clematis, Delphinium, Lavender, Ficus, Potted Rose Bushes, etc.:
Only use Hortus IBA Water Soluble salts @50-250 ppm IBA
Softwood Cuttings, Buddleia (Butterfly Bush), Hydrangea, Pieris, Hedera (Ivy), etc.:
Only use Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts @50-300 ppm IBA
Hardwood Cuttings, Conifers, etc.:
Only use Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts @200-500 ppm IBA
Basal Long Soak Method.
Use the Basal Long Soak Method on cuttings which are more difficult to root or are more woody. A long soak of the cuttings in a low concentration solution causes the plant tissues to absorb the active ingredients. Use this method on plants which may be sensitive to high concentration used in the Quick Dip Method. Immerse the basal end of cuttings approximately one inch in the solution for 12-25 hours nominal. Plant the cuttings immediately or cuttings can be stored in cold storage.
Hortus IBA Water Soluble
Herbaceous cuttings: 50-150 ppm IBA
Herbaceous and Woody Cuttings, including hard to root cuttings and rootstocks: 150-250 ppm IBA
Quick Dip Method.
First treat the cuttings then plant them. Immerse the basal end of cuttings approximately one inch in the solution for a few seconds. Plant the cuttings immediately.
Use the lowest possible concentration to achieve the desired results. Excess concentration may result in reduced numbers of roots formed, phyto toxicity, shock, excessive callus, and rooting inequality.
Herbaceous Cuttings, Tropical Plants, House Plants, Roses, etc.:
Only use Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts @150-500 ppm IBA
Only use Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts @200-500 ppm IBA.
Softwood Cuttings:
Only use Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts @500-1000 ppm IBA.
Hardwood Cuttings:
Only use Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts @500-2000 ppm IBA.
Difficult to Root Cuttings:
Only use Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts @5000-20000 ppm IBA.
© Hortus USA Corp. 1990-2024 All Rights Reserved. Spray Drip Down ® , Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts ® and Hortus USA® are the registered trademarks of Hortus USA Corp. Rhizopon ® is the registered trademark of Rhizopon b.v. - All Rights Reserved. -